
Bellevue, Washington

Nature Meets Main Street


  • Neighborhood

    Downtown Bellevue

  • Type


  • Size

    198,500 SF
    135 Residential Units

  • Status

    Completed 2020

  • Services


  • Photographer

    Built Work Photography

  • Client

    Continental Properties

Mirroring nature, echoing neighbors

Located between Bellevue’s Downtown Park and the lively Old Bellevue Main Street, Blu responds gracefully to both nature and its neighbors. Large decks, expansive windows, and stoops face the park—a physical gesture of greeting to the greenspace close by. Simultaneously, tall retail and restaurant spaces contribute to the energy of 102nd, and the two-story brick frame reflects the expression of neighboring buildings, tying into the materiality of Bellevue’s Old Main Street, with a modern twist.

Zoning requirements provoke elegant solutions

A setback above 40 feet was required along 102nd Ave, which created a challenge for the building’s massing. We responded with a massing scheme that steps back along 102nd to create deep patios for units with a view of the Downtown Park. The volume that faces the park has a tuxedo on; beautiful, integral wood panels swath this volume, putting its best face forward. The sidewalk is lined with retail spaces, and a restaurant space anchors the corner closest to the park, replacing 99 Park which was demolished to make way for this new development.

A flexible big idea

Late in the project, the location of a high-voltage power line required us to cut back a corner piece of the building. However, due to the clear design strategy toward the south end of the site—using three horizontal layers with a strong central brick band—we were able to make this change without compromising the building’s overall concept. The wedge that was cut out creates a friendly massing solution, inviting visitors from Bellevue’s Old Main Street. Our “big idea” for the building provided structure for sense-making, while also offering flexibility for the practicalities of the real world.

Program: Market rate apartments, including mostly flats; but also a handful of inverted 2-story units. Corner restaurant; about 2,500 SF retail; and amenities including a roof deck, lounge, gym and courtyard.