An urban face and a quiet oasis
Since the sites are surrounded by many high-rise buildings, we created a two-faced donut urban form, creating a clear distinction between city-facing “urban” units and a quieter oasis in the center. There is a consistent language around the three street-facing facades of the two projects. The alignment of the fourth level courtyard across both buildings maximizes the openness of the center courtyard. The brick volume along NE 2nd Street unites the projects along the shared façade. The top-level amenity roof top corresponds volumetrically across the alley. With the West Main Offices Towers to the south, the project steps back at the upper level allowing for unit patios on this southern exposure. The building on the north side responds to the current building by setting back from their property. The proposed design is respectful of the current adjacencies and sets the tone for future developments in the surrounding areas.